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What is Rhinoplasty (Nasal Reshaping)?

The face is the most visible part of the body, but the nose is its most prominent feature. It is not surprising therefore that the nasal surgery is one of the most common cosmetic procedure all over the world. Rhinoplasty is the term used for cosmetic surgery of the nose.

Rhinoplasties can be classified into three different types:

  • Reduction Rhinoplasty is done to reduce a large nose.
  • Making the small nose larger is called Augmentation Rhinoplasty.
  • Third kind is limited Rhinoplasty which is usually done to improve isolated nasal tip problems.
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What is The Procedure of Rhinoplasty?

Plastic surgery of the nose begins when the Rhinoplasty surgeon makes an incision either inside the nose (Closed Rhinoplasty) or across the skin (Open Rhinoplasty) that separates the nostrils (this skin is called the columella). The cartilage and bone that make up the framework of the nose are then exposed and sculpted to create the desired shape and profile. The plastic surgeon then stitches the skin back into place to complete the nose surgery.

Rhinoplasty surgery generally lasts about 3-4 hours. Some corrections can be done on an outpatient basis whereas others require a day stay in hospital.

Post Operation: Patient has to take rest for couple of days and after that he/she can resume normal activities. There is plaster or the dressing on the nose for about a week .There is swelling and bruising around eyes which lasts for about three weeks. The swelling in the tip area remains there for quite some time.

Benefits of Rhinoplasty

Make “sculpture” in the bones
Bumps and swelling are less

Thinner the nose without eventually requiring osteotomies in many cases
Everything is done under direct vision and full control

Form the bones just as per the patient’s desire, even in very intense asymmetries
The postoperative course is lighter and certainly painless
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Best Rhinoplasty Results

Frequently Asked Questions

Will there be a scar?

Most of the incisions are inside the nose and are not visible. Occasionally, a small scar may be seen at the base of the nose if the nostrils were narrowed or an external nasal approach was used.

How long will it take to heal?

Within 6 weeks, the swelling subsides in the upper portion of the nose. Due to the thickness of the skin over the nasal tip, however, it takes a longer period of time for the swelling in the lower part of the nose to subside. The tip of the nose feels firm and fibrous in the weeks following surgery. Gradually, the tip of the nose becomes more pliable. Complete healing of the tip of the nose usually takes 6 to 9 months, but in some cases might take as long as one year.

Can surgery be redone?

Surgery may be performed again if the original results are disappointing. A one year healing period must pass before further surgery to ensure that all scars within the nose have healed and that no further changes will take place. A follow- up appointment is made within one year to confirm that esthetic goals have been achieved. A second photograph is usually taken at this time.

What are the possible complications of rhinoplasty?

Complications are uncommon. An unsatisfactory esthetic appearance is the usual concern. Swelling, bruising, and a firm fibrotic feel to the nose are normal consequences of rhinoplasty, which goes away with time.

When can makeup, glasses, and contact lenses be worn?

Glasses sit quite comfortably on top of the nasal cast. Once the cast is removed it is preferable to wear contact lenses to avoid any pressure that glasses may exert on the recently fractured nose until the bones have healed completely. Makeup can be worn once the cast is removed.

When can normal activities be resumed?

Ordinarily, normal activities may be resumed with in 1 to 2 weeks. Driving can be resumed the following day, provided there is no excessive swelling about the eyes that restricts vision.

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